Find the right resource to grow your career in tech
This database only holds official resources from Tech Career Growth (TCG), a 100% free online learning community.
TCG is run by Alex Chiou and Rahul Pandey, 2 Silicon Valley tech leads who have 15+ years of experience combined, spending many of those years working at top tech companies like Pinterest, Facebook, and Robinhood.
How does this website work?
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Browse the resources, using the filter to find the results that work for you.
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If you don't find a resource that suits your needs, you can submit a request to the team.
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Check out the website from time to time to see if your requested resource is available.
Want to advance your career in tech?It's never too late.
We are a community of 10,000+ people in tech working together to learn, share and improve our skills to have more impact in the tech industry.